What are the shipping costs?
Shipping within Australia is automatically calculated on a weight basis.
For International customers please make an enquiry and a shipping quote can be arranged.
Payment Options:
Paypal: Orders through our Paypal payment gateway will be processed promptly.
Manual Payment: If you select this option you will receive an email with our bank account details.
Once the funds are transferred to our account your order will be posted.
How long do I have to wait for my item to arrive?
Orders will generally be posted on Mondays as many of our items are live plants and this usually avoids plants sitting in a box over the weekend. Air Plants travel extremely well and even if the plants are left in a box for a week they recover very quickly after a good soaking.
(Please refer to Living Art Store’s care page for further information.)
If you would like to arrange express postage please contact us.
If you would like your item posted next day of purchase please leave a message and we are more than happy to accommodate your needs.